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Structural Alignment Yoga Therapy Certification (Level 1)
Module 1: Introduction & Fundamental Theory for Structural Alignment Therapy
Module 1 Workbook PDF
(1) Introduction, How SAYT Started (8:06)
(2) Overarching Therapeutic Concepts (6:59)
(3) Structural Alignment Therapy Scope of Practice & Applications (9:17)
(4) The Science, Subtle Theories & Significance of The SAYT's 4 A's | The 1st: Attitude (10:05)
(5) The Science, Subtle Theories & Significance of The SAYT's 2nd A: Axis (11:25)
(6) The Science, Subtle Theories & Significance of the SAYT 3rd A: Alignment - Pt 1 (6:36)
(7) The Science, Subtle Theories & Significance of the SAYT 3rd A: Alignment - Pt 2 (10:06)
(8) The Science, Subtle Theories & Significance of the SAYT 4th A: Action (8:25)
(9) SAYT Principles, Techniques for Anatomical Position/Tadasana; The 7 Loops Direction; Ankle Loop (8:18)
(10) SAYT Principles & Techniques: Shin & Thigh Loops (8:14)
(11) SAYT Principles & Techniques: Pelvic & Kidney Loops (8:09)
(12) SAYT Principles & Techniques: Shoulder & Skull Loops (14:31)
(13) Stability & Mobility video (reference 3rd A: Alignment Part 2 (5:27)
(14) SAYT Touch & Adjustment Techniques - Part 1 (5:05)
(15) SAYT Touch & Adjustment Techniques - Part 2 (6:41)
(16) Client History & Intake Questions for Structural Alignment Therapy
Quiz for all modules combined.
Client Intake Forms
Module 2: SAYT for Lower Body Conditions & Issues
Module 2 Workbook PDF
(1) Anatomy, Biomechanics & Key Therapy for the Lower Body - Feet & Shins (10:08)
(2) Anatomy, Biomechanics & Key Therapy for the Lower Body - Knees (10:08)
(3) Anatomy, Biomechanics & Key Therapy for the Lower Body - Thighs, Hips, Pelvis (10:08)
(4) Postural Assessment for the Lower Body - Standing (9:15)
(5) Postural Assessment for the Lower Body - Supine & Prone (7:03)
(6) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Lower Body - Footwork (6:47)
(7) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Lower Body - Tadasana Supine & Standing (7:06)
(8) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Lower Body - Feet & Shins (9:37)
(9) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Lower Body - Knees (8:37)
(10) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Lower Body - Thighs, Hips & Pelvis-1 (10:08)
(11) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Lower Body - Thighs, Hips & Pelvis-2 (11:59)
(12) SAYT Applications for the Issues of the Feet & Shins-1 (11:12)
(13) SAYT Applications for the Issues of the Feet & Shins-2 (11:45)
(14) SAYT Applications for Issues of the Knees-1 (11:45)
(15) SAYT Applications for the Issues of the Knees-2 (11:54)
(16) SAYT Applications for the Issues of the Knees-3 (11:54)
(17) SAYT Applications for Issues of the Knees-4-Hyperextended Kness, Knock-Knees, Bow-Legs (12:22)
(18) SAYT Applications for Issues of the Thighs, HIps & Pelvis-1 (14:19)
(19) SAYT Applications for Issues of the Thighs, HIps & Pelvis-2 (12:50)
(20) SAYT Applications for Issues of the Thighs, HIps & Pelvis-3 (11:04)
(21) SAYT Applications for Leg Length Discrepancies & Ending the Treatment (Lower Body) (14:35)
Webinar Structural Issues of the Feet and Knees Medical-Scientific & SAYT Approaches (59:44)
Module 3: SAYT for Spine & Torso Conditions & Issues
Module 3 Workbook PDF
(1) Anatomy & Biomechanics for the Spine & Torso (9:49)
(2 Biomechanics (cont'd) & Key Therapy for the Spine & Torso (10:22)
(3) Postural Assessment for the Spine & Torso-1 (9:00)
(4) Postural Assessment for the Spine & Torso-2 (8:04)
(5) Postural Assessment for the Spine & Torso-3 (8:28)
(6) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Spine & Torso (10:58)
(7) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Spine & Torso-2 (8:45)
(8) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Torso-Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (9:13)
(9) SAYT Applications for the Lumbar Region-1 (11:01)
(10) SAYT Applications for the Lumbar Region-2 (12:43)
(11) SAYT Applications for the Thoracic Region-1 (11:11)
(12) SAYT Applications for the Thoracic Region-2 (13:01)
(13) SAYT Applications for the Thoracic Region-3 (15:44)
Webinar Structural Issues of the Spine - Scoliosis | Medical-Scientific & SAYT Perspectives (45:18)
Module 4: SAYT for Upper Body Conditions & Issues
Module 4 Workbook PDF
(1) Anatomy, Biomechanics & Key Therapy for the Upper Body (8:57)
(2) Anatomy, Biomechanics & Key Therapy for the Upper Body-2 (8:41)
Postural Assessment for the Upper Body
(3) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Upper Body-1 (8:04)
(4) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Upper Body-2 (9:00)
(5) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Upper Body-3 (8:31)
(6) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Upper Body-4 (8:46)
(7) Therapeutic Techniques for the Upper Limbs Weight-Bearing (10:38)
(8) TherapeuticTechniques for the Upper Limbs Weight-Bearing - CTS (6:21)
(9) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Upper Body-5 (10:35)
(10) Key Poses & Therapeutic Techniques for the Upper Body-6 (7:14)
(11) SAYT Applications for the Upper Body-1 (11:51)
(12) SAYT Applications for the Upper Body-2 (9:08)
(13) SAYT Applications for the Upper Body-3 (9:37)
(14) SAYT Applications for the Upper Body-4 (10:32)
(15) SAYT Applications for the Upper Body-5 (9:09)
(16) SAYT Applications for the Upper Body-6 (10:56)
(5) Postural Assessment for the Lower Body - Supine & Prone
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